about me

About Me ​

People, their stories and what moves them fascinates me. I perceive my work and the trust that is put into me as a great privilege. My path to becoming a psychotherapist was clear for me from an early age.

This journey led me to the University of Trier where I achieved both my Bachelor and Master of Science in Psychology. Inspired to deepen my knowledge, I completed my training and qualification in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at the Center for Psychotherapy at the Humboldt University in Berlin (ZPHU).

My career has seen me working in a diverse range of therapeutic environments:

  • Vivantes Klinikum Spandau, where I specialized in affective disorders, psychotic disorders, and bipolar disorders.
  • Outpatient Clinic for Psychotherapy at the Free University of Berlin.
  • Salus Clinic Berlin, where I led psychotherapeutic groups in topics such as alcohol dependence, eating disorders, and psychosomatic diseases.

Now, in my own online practice, I focus on one-on-one work with clients for both psychotherapy and coaching, supporting companies to keep their employees resilient and healthy, and raising awareness for mental health online and on television.

I look forward to meeting you!