Resilient Businesses
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Resilient Employees

Motivated and healthy employees are the foundation of a successful business. Long waiting times for psychotherapeutic support due to supply shortages are a reality, yet, absences due to psychological factors are three times longer than those due to physical causes.

For forward-thinking businesses, active support in maintaining and improving their employees' mental health is key.

As a psychotherapist, coach, and public speaker, I offer practical, evidence-based, and effective solutions for businesses to foster internal resilience and future-readiness.

business customers


Online & In-Person

Easing Self-Pressure

Participants will be guided through recognizing and dismantling self-imposed pressures that lead to unnecessary stress. The session will equip you with practical strategies to foster a more balanced approach to personal and professional goals and prevent Burnout 

Mindful Leadership – Navigating Stress in High Pressure Environments

Equip your leaders with the tools to manage stress and maintain peak performance, all while fostering a culture of mindfulness and resilience in your organization.

Time Management

Effective time management is crucial for productive work and healthy employees. In this workshop we will discover different strategies to effectively manage time & tasks. 

Mastering Change & Adaptability

This workshop helps participants understand the importance of adaptability in the workplace and provides practical tips for managing and embracing change.

Conflict Resolution

This workshop provides strategies to manage and resolve conflicts effectively within the workplace while maintaining strong relationships. 

Nurturing a Healthy Mindset

A workshop teaching techniques to cultivate a healthy mindset, enhancing productivity and overall job satisfaction.

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence

This workshop focuses on understanding and managing emotions, empathy, and self-awareness for better interpersonal relationships and decision-making at work.

Imposter Syndrome

This workshop helps individuals understand and manage the feelings of inadequacy that can accompany success.

Work-Life Balance & Burnout Prevention

A session providing strategies for maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life, aiming to prevent burnout.

Effective Communication for Better Work Relationships

Fine tune interpersonal communication skills for a healthier, more productive work environment.

Building Resilience

A session designed to help employees build personal resilience and coping mechanisms for dealing with both professional and personal challenges.

Standing Up to Your Inner Critic

The Inner Critic is that little voice inside of us that is telling us our work isn’t good enough, that we will never succeed and that we should better not even try. This prevents people to live out their full potential. This workshop gives in depth techniques on how to quiet that voice and move through life with more security. 

Request a Quote

If you are interested in one of my offers or have an idea of ​​what you need individually, please write me

    Public Speaking

    Raising awareness and destigmatising mental illness in the public is another of my main focuses.

    As an expert on mental health and the psychological world, I am always happy to receive requests for TV features, documentaries, podcasts or interviews