
As a psychological psychotherapist specializing in behavioural therapy, I am trained to treat the entire spectrum of mental disorders.

My therapeutic work focuses on strengthening a compassionate, caring and responsible way of relating with yourself. It is important to me to really understand you, to listen to you and to meet each other on eye level.

From my perspective, you are the expert for your own life. I always work transparently and all decisions are made by you. Only what you really want happens here.

You can attend therapy sessions online from the comfort of your own home.


What Can I Expect in Psychotherapy?

My work is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This very structured form of therapy offers an optimal framework to achieve quick success and relief with the help of scientifically based methods. But to address every ones individuality and uniqueness, I supplement my therapeutic offer with elements of:

Body-oriented modules such as movement, nutrition and dealing with one's own body are also included in the therapeutic work.

My practice is an LGBTQIA+ positive space. Both people with alternative relationship structures and people of all sexual and gender identities are welcome here.

Fees & Coverage


Private Health Insurance

Private health insurance usually fully cover the costs of €100.55 per session. The fee varies in individual cases. Please find out in advance from your insurance company to what extent the psychotherapeutic services will be covered and how many sessions are included in your plan.


The Beihilfe usually covers 50% of the therapy costs, while private insurance covers the rest of the costs.

Statutory Health Insurance & Self-Payers

As a private practice, my therapy is not covered by statutory health insurance.
As a self-payer, the fee is €100.55 per session.
This is the usual hourly rate according to the fee schedule for psychotherapists (GOP-Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapie).


How I can help


Anxiety can make even the simplest tasks feel daunting and create constant worry. Therapy can help you overcome anxious thoughts, regain control, and embrace life with more calmness and confidence.


The darkness of depression can make you feel isolated and hopeless, hindering your ability to enjoy life. Therapy can guide you towards hope and contentedness, helping you regain a sense of fulfilment and joy.

Psychosomatic Disorders & Chronic Pain

Therapy can help manage the mental aspects of chronic pain and psychosomatic disorders, fostering resilience and enhancing overall well-being.

Psychotic & Schizophrenic Disorders

Understanding and supportive guidance for those facing psychotic and schizophrenic disorders is provided in this form of psychotherapy, promoting stability and a better quality of life.

Bipolar Disorder

Navigating life with Bipolar Disorder can be challenging. Supportive therapy can help manage and prevent episodes and lead a balanced life.

Social Anxiety

Therapy can help conquer social anxiety. Together, strategies are developed to confidently engage in social situations and form meaningful connections.

Addiction (alcohol, substances and behavioral)

Overcoming addiction is tough. Psychotherapy can help regain control, guiding towards a healthier, substance-free life.

Disordered Eating

Struggling with your relationship with food? Therapy can guide towards a healthier mindset, promoting a better body image and intuitive eating.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Therapy can be a guiding light when dealing with Borderline Personality Disorder, offering strategies to manage intense emotions and foster stronger relationships.

Sleep Disorders

Experiencing sleep problems? A therapeutic approach can help to understand and address sleep disorders for a more restful night's sleep.

Interactional & Personality Disorders

Therapy can provide supportive strategies to navigate interactional and personality disorders, fostering improved relationships and a better sense of self.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can disrupt your life, causing constant worry and distress. Psychotherapy can provide you with tools to regain control and find peace, freeing you from the grip of OCD.